Monday, August 10, 2009
Brigade Wish List!
Stethoscopes: adult, pediatric, infant sizes
Blood pressure cuffs: all sizes
Reflex hammers
Measuring tapes
Portable scales
Pen lights
Vaginal speculums
Surgical instruments: forceps/clamps, scalpel/blades, scissors, suturing instruments, etc.
Obstetrical instruments: forceps/clamps, umbilical scissors, umbilical cord ties, etc.
Bandages & gauze, both sterile and non-sterile (no band-aids, thank you)
Eye packs & abdominal bandages
Syringes & needles
Tongue depressors
Antiseptic wipes, alcohol prep pads, etc.
Antibiotic ointment
Pain relievers (Ibuprofen, Tylenol, etc.)
Medications: anti-hypertensives, antibiotics, contraceptives, etc.
If you have any supplies or small equipments you would like to donate, we welcome all donations! Please contact us at:
Sunday, August 9, 2009
The Health Situation in Palestine
The health situation of Palestinians in the West Bank and
Obstacles to movement for Palestinians living in the
Inadequate medical care during pregnancy is cited as the third leading cause of mortality among pregnant women. From 2000 to mid-2007, 68 Palestinian women have given birth at Israeli check points, delayed from delivering their babies at a hospital. Instead of a travel time of 15-20 minutes with quick passage, nearly 20% of all pregnant women seeking care were made to wait anywhere from two to six hours in pain and obvious stress, frustration and humiliation. The trauma and lack of medical care has lead to miscarriage and death. Of 117,000 pregnant women in the occupied territories, 18,000, or 15%, will suffer from poor pregnancy outcomes due to a lack of access to health services throughout the duration of their pregnancy.
Continual interactions with Israeli settlers and Israeli Defense forces are a major threat to the lives and the livelihood of Palestinians. Under ‘peacetime’ conditions, the ratio of Palestinian to Israeli deaths in 2007 was 40:1 with a total of nearly 6000 Palestinian deaths since 2000, 20% of which have been children.
Physical and verbal abuse and direct shootings upon medical personnel are widespread in the occupied territories, particularly in the
Israeli military blockades in
On December 27th, 2008
According to the Palestinian Red Crescent Society 14 medical personnel were killed, including one PRCS volunteer, and 24 others including 5 PRCS volunteers were injured. During the first 18 days of the attack, only 5 of 140 requests of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society to gain access to the wounded or sick were approved and of these all five had to be halted because of direct Israeli gunfire or obstacles such as collapsed buildings.
Launching the Brigade!
Health is not the absence of disease but it is a comprehensive quality of life that is the right of anyone. How can this be realized in a society that suffers from repression and exploitation?
Dr. Ahmed Maslamani, Director and Co-founder of the Health Work Committees
The Maslamani Brigade will send a team of progressive health workers and supportive allies to
A Long Term Vision of Solidarity
Through health work and popular health education, the Brigade will engage in meaningful and substantive people-to-people solidarity with selected progressive mass organizations and NGOs in
Ultimately, the
Long-term solidarity means that when the Brigade returns to